Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Puss in Boots, And Not the Winter Kind

What a beautiful day it was in SC. 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. You honesty couldn't ask for a better day, although it has been a little strange to have such balmy weather in the middle of the winter. But, nonetheless, I'm not complaining. I'd rather see and feel the sun on my face over any dreary, cloudy, cold day. It just puts me in a bad mood.

Speaking of bad moods, have you met my lovable kitty? I'm sure you have, but of you haven't, no worries - your not really missing out on anything. He is permanently in a grumpy mood. I can't exactly pinpoint where he acquired his less than pleasant attitude, but I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I thought he was girl at first.

The story goes... After the purchase of a cute pink collar and a fun princess bed, it was time to take the trip to lose her womanhood - so it was off to the vet we go. It was there that we learned that Graci was a boy and he then became Gracin. But alas he was mine and to my surprise has been one of the most loyal companions anyone could ask for. Sure he has his moments, but hey? Don't we all? In fact, we probably get along better than most roommates because we just leave each other alone when we are in bad moods. :)

Bad mood or good mood, he's my guy and we are in it for long haul - move after move after move.

And have I mentioned how handsome he is? He may be a pill, but man is he a looker of a cat. I just had to take some shots to prove my point. See exhibits 1 - 4 below. Just darling if I may say so myself.

Well, enough about my fur baby and onto a resolution check up. Here is a brief overview of the things I thought I would stick to this year...

1. Save at least $100 a month - Month 1 is complete. Let's see how long that lasts before I want another shopping spree :)

2. Exercise more - Haven't done so good on the drinking more water thing, but I'm working on the running part. Just have to make it more of a routine. Anyone have any good motivation :)?

3. Get more craft happy - Ehhh, we are slow to start on this one. I've done one project halfway, but I hope to finish in the next week or two. I still look for inspiration on my fab website, Pinterest, but these let work hours (and the new bf) take up more time than planned. Here's a sneak peek of the one and only craft project that has taken place in 2012...

4. Blog-o-Rama - Clearly not a winning resolution, but then again I haven't really done anything interesting enough to blog about. There is nothing worse than reading an uninteresting blog post (probably very similar to this one). I have no upcoming wedding or baby to announce. It's just me and my kitty. Guess we are going to have to become a more adventurous couple!

Ok! I think that about sums up the month of January. Hope everyone's new year has started out wonderfully. I look forward to the next 11 months!

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