But other than being able to call each other whenever times get tough, we love planning nights out or weekend shopping sprees (mostly with Mexican food involved :)). This weekend was no different. We had planned a day of shopping and hanging out and we decided to meet at the Mexican restaurant for dinner. So we enjoy a festive meal with a not so festive waiter (typical according to our experiences) and as we are getting ready to leave, my friends say "Surprise! We're not going shopping...we're treating you to a pedicure!"
I was so excited!! I didn't know what to say! It was just what I needed and we had a great time. They truly are the best friends anyone could ask for and I love them dearly!
Our trips these days are a little different than those 5 years ago - mostly because both of them have babies now :). But we have a good time no matter the number of guests and this time we had Baby Carter join us for a pedi day :). He was absolutely perfect! I don't think I heard a single fuss! And what does no fussing deserve?? A photo opp! So Auntie Ebonn whipped out the camera (yes in the nail salon) and snapped a couple. He is just the most handsome baby!!
Ok, who else is completely obsessed with Pinterest??? You haven't heard of it? Well, get out from under that rock people because this could very well be the next facebook (well in terms of addiction level). I absolutely <3 it! My latest pin addiction is in my fashion and home boards...and to keep with the theme, I thought I'd snap a pick of my outfit for today's girl afternoon! {please ignore the incredibly filthy mirror}
{For those even the slightest bit interested in my outfit above the shorts and banana republic, top is ann taylor, and flats are nine west.}
Ok. Moving on. So, after my F21 shopping extravaganza, I decided to come back and do a little photography practice. Below are some shots I took with a little help from Photoshop of course.
This sign was just boring, but I put a little punk flair too it and it turn out pretty cute!
And finally my favorite...
Anywhoo, it's late and I've got a busy week. Toodles for now!! Night!
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