Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Year Awaits! And Happy It Will Be For This Gal!

Yes, I know! I'm's been way too long! I ended up just taking a break from blogging. It's been a challenging year, but one I'm glad I went through. One that has greatly contributed to who I am today and one I will treasure on my new journey going forward.

At last post, I was working on my photography. I've slacked off on that and mostly focused on my real job, and I'm not sure that I'll continue it in 2012, but I can promise I'll do some.

To finish the year (and to get a few extra bucks), I had a yard sale to get rid of junk I didn't need anymore. It went great! And it went much easier than I anticipated because of 2 reasons - 1. I have the best boyfriend in the Benjamin :).

(We are Steve Jobs and the Apple Logo for Halloween)

He is a blessing! He got up extra early with me to hang signs and fetch breakfast. Boy was he a life saver! And 2. I planned ahead and priced EVERYTHING! If there is anything I've learned from yard saling for so long, it's to make sure those 2 things are top priority when attempting to do your own. It makes the day go a lot smoother and helps the eliminate stress below.

It was a success and I was able to buy this guy:

I've been in need of a casual jacket and this seems perfect! I'm looking forward to it's arrival.

And finally, Christmas is over. I've taken the week off to relax and get ready for the new year and so far it's been great! I had a fabulous time with family and friends and as always, ate some scrumptious food. But like everyone else, it's exercise, exercise, exercise come January - these extra lbs have not been good for my closet :/.

That's probably enough for now. I am resolving to do better in 2012 with a lot of things and blogging is in the top 5. I promise. :)

But in the meantime, Happy New Year!

